Sunday, May 25, 2008
helped out at the temple thr.....
today went to the temple thr to help to arrange things for the celebration,reach thr abt 1.30pm then help to tie the flags,hang portraits of many different gods,etc...the auntie thr so kind lor,she brought us drinks after all the tiring jobs.....everyone so tired but happy :)........then abt 5.30pm lyk tat reach home le,then at home rest a while watch tv,do things le then go out for dinner......after dinner went home straight for the tv show,the charity for the china disaster thingy.........saw the ppl so sad T_T they very poor thing leh...why must got disaster in this world ar???.....ppl can live happily if thr isnt any disasters.....haix....things liky tat couldnt be changed by any human..........
I've Wished For Your Return At 5:42 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
sooo long nvr see my blog le.....
today as asual,every saturday i will go to tampines north cc for trainings.....but thr is one thing i have to say,some times i reali dun wan to go to training sooo early in the morning.....the training starts at 9 am but i have to wake up at 6.30am in order for mi to reach thr in time after my breakfast,my breakfast for saturday is only milo becos if i had a heavy breakfast,i will end up vomiting during the warming-up ended at abt 12.30pm today then i went to chage then went to the food court to have my lunch thr....took bus 72 to YCK int then 162m to go home......very tired lor,reach home then bathe then do my things le then post blog le........tml i dunno can post blog anot,maybe the following week i may not be able to post blog becos the temple wants me to help in the celebration for the birthday of a god if i m not wrong but i cant rmb which god is it....ltr nid to go have dinner with jiahong and his family but i dunno whr T_T.............nothing to write le,i will post new post as soon as i could,cya :)
I've Wished For Your Return At 3:24 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
today maths paper...
maths paper some questions very confusing leh...dunno wat meaning lor then think until headache le then got the rite the weather damn hot lorx,sweat like hell.....after exam wait in the class room for miss tan then check the Bio MYE paper,but cant bring the paper back lor,check for wat???......after the checking went to busstop take bus with the busstop saw power ranger(huiwen)'s brother(hongkai),he pinch me until sooo pain lor,tell him dun pinch so hard he still pinch even harder...then saw Ang Zi Xin,he hugged me,oh my god.......ppl sure will think i m a gay!!!!!......lols.......very wad lorx........haix....finally reach home then bathe liao then eat le then do preparation for art for tml MYE art exam liao.....dun understand why our school start exam sooo late lor,ppl can relax le leh......
I've Wished For Your Return At 1:17 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008
today science paper....
today science paper got physics and biology.....the OTAS sheet is the most troublesom de lor need to shade until nice nice liky tat.......then the physics paper some question got a bit confusing leh,hope i got the right meaning of the question........biology hope can gt good marks lor,ytd studr the few chapters like siao until very tired lorx.........after the exam we(me,jiahong,michelle and fadilah)went to the library to read some books then 11 am mich need to go back school and go polyclinic have injections for the cambodia trip for CIP......we wait until abt 12.30pm if i m not wrong then went to macdonald to eat,i ate mcspicy,jiahong ate,chicken burger and michelle ate nuggets....fadilah dunno why dun wan to eat anything leh.....she liky very sad leh.......we eating then she lying on the table like tat.....then she suddenly wan to go home then dunno wat happen le.....walk in the amk hub a while then jiahong say he tired le wan to go home then he take bus go home n mich walk a while in the hub then also take bus go home le.......both of us also very tired.....the most powerful thingy is,after i got home bathe liao still go to amk hub with my mum,aunt n cousin.........until 9pm like tat then reach leg very tired lorx........
I've Wished For Your Return At 8:21 AM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
geography paper very troublesome leh......
wat the......geography paper is troublesome de lor....the map so big plus got so many paper to manage........i hate OTAS sheets.......sooooo damn troublesome!!!!!! so late then go sschool take exam,how to concentrate???...teacher nvr teach us how to concentrate under the hot weather and take exam....anyways,the exam is over so nvm liao lor......tml is science paper leh,so mani things to physics and bio,so many notes and paper to going to have headache le............still got one more week after tis leh,my frens from other school also finish exam now relax le......we still studying..........
I've Wished For Your Return At 11:38 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
today history paper......
history paper........i think shub be can pass de lar,cos i studied ytd.........i got read notes and textbook leh.......first time study for history this year,hahax....(still dare to say).........after exam very hardworking leh...went to library to study with mich,fadilah,andre astley,alex and jerome for maths paper tml........buts thr is one thing i dun get it....tml is only paper one leh,nid to study in the library so hardworking like tat......hahaha :).......ans the library hor.....very late then open leh......we reach the library at 9.50am like tat then the library only open at 10am.....lols,first time so early go library leh.....if tml gt maths paper one and two together then good wad.....why nid to separate paper one and two.....haix....dun noe how the teachers work out the schedule.......but thr is definitely on prwoblem with our school,its tat........our school is the slowest to start exam in AMK lors.............lols.......
I've Wished For Your Return At 11:51 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
tired sia... day again...ytd go play from morning til night its like going crazy liao lorx *_*......YTD:morning go meet jiahong,mich and sis at 9.30am......took 88 to pasir ris then took forgot wat bus to down-town-east.....went into WildWildWet change le and got ready to get WET!!!....played for abot 3 hours ba,if i m not wrong....then went to wash and clean up le.....went to eat and then to the escape theme park!!!.....we went into the HUANTED HOUSE.....mich and her sis grabbed my bag through the whole journey in the house...very tiring leh,walk with ppl grabbing own bag.....but i dun think its sooo scary tat we nid to grab other ppl bag lor...hahax :).....then we go play wat i call the "super-man-thingy"...i keep shouting jiahong's name every time it rises and falls...phew,at last i manage to walk out......then they go play the dunno call wat la,the only thing i noe is tat the thing they play is reali high!!!!!!!!....i too scared le so cnt play,but i help them to take a video....they even laughed when they watched the video.....then we went back to amk central the arcade thr......played for abt half hour then go home le......sooo tired.....TODAY:very tired lor....literature paper very difficult for mi leh.......hope can pass lo.....can pass for tis paper i very happy le :)...........................
I've Wished For Your Return At 10:53 PM
Friday, May 9, 2008
today very tired...
wah sian...sooo tired in the morning lorx...but nth reali happened,spare mi one day for not posting a longer post,nid to rest le,cnt ta-han...
I've Wished For Your Return At 1:12 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
rain sooo heavily today morning...
today morning it rain sooo heavily tat the canteen flooded!!!......dunno why this few days always sooo hot then today sooo cold in the morning...then we had our first lesson PE is the dance studio,listening to ms kang on the F.I.T.T.A thingy...then she taught us how to keep fit and this and tat...english period they asked abt the reading program and holiday hmwk thing...haix,i wonder when is the time whr thr is no holiday hmwk...the last lesson ms ng said tat thr will be ONLINE BOOKS for us!!!...arg.....i hate online reading and online hmwk lorx...
I've Wished For Your Return At 11:48 PM
today the history lesson very sian lorx....
today dunno why during history lesson,teacher nvr come also nvr tell us,i mean the tv messaging nvr write....we wait liike for half an hour then mrs chong tell us ms giri on MC...lols! cnt tell us ealier meh???........then go relief room like abt 10 mins nia tell us go back to the history class.....then go back class le a while bell ring liao!!!....sian lor,a few mins also nid go back to the class,cnt enjoy air-con...then the art lesson is the best one,can play com if finished wrok then still can enjoy air-con...sooo nice!!!
I've Wished For Your Return At 12:00 AM
Monday, May 5, 2008
today so fun during relief!!!
today first lesson we got maths,done 2 graphs and was like,oh my god headache le..........reali scared i cnt pass maths sia...after tat then is drama,instructor nvr then we go relief room!!!.........the not fun part is we have to go to the drama room to have second half of relief lesson......recess like the others days,hot and sweaty...englidh to day do the newmoon brand thing,dunno why ppl wan to steal the wind vane lorx...then we got drum after the english lesson,learn new rythm le,but hand nearly got blister lor...heng ar~!......nvr gt blister!!!
I've Wished For Your Return At 12:28 AM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
late-est post ever!
today when to library to find michelle and fadilah then wait for jiahong to go to play arcade with my brother...we went to the arcade at abt 1.45pm lyk until 3 something...then go to macdonald to eat something,i ate apple pie,my brother ate nuggets,jiahong drink coke,fadilah ate buarager,michelle ate apple pie with coke,and i still had a macflurry :) ...we went to AMK HUB the Zone-X to take neoprints,dunno why these few days keep taking neoprints XP...after tat we still play play play,until 5.30pm everyone nid to go home le then say byebye brother with me still went outuntil now then can post blog.....hahax tired!!! 12.45 pm le...
I've Wished For Your Return At 9:24 AM
Friday, May 2, 2008
today go sungei buloh.....
today very sian leh,english paper so confusing,especially the tired lorx.......but after the exam,we went to sungei buloh for CIP!!!.....we went thr to plant seedlings of trees...thr very very natural leh,everything like jungle de,ppl like thiamjie and andre almost sank into the mud half way!...thiamjie's shoe the sole come off,andre's legs are like sooo dirty XP...let mi c...i plant abt 5 seedlings if i m not!imagine all the 5 seedlings i planted managed to grow up,i will be like sooo happy!!!hope its can grow up healthily and does not die.....hope every ppl can protect the enviroment!!!
I've Wished For Your Return At 7:23 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
today jiahong's birthday!!!
today is jiahong's birthday,he and i went to the raider's cafe to play counterstrike...after 1 hour,we went to the AMK HUB Cathay to meet michelle and her friend,Talia.....we then went to buy the movie tickets then to the arcade we go!.....then saw Danial,and play with him for a while......we started watching the movie at 3.05pm until dunno wat time:),its very cold in the cinema lorx.....after the movie,we go arcade take tis neo print up here.......then we go play racing car games and the street badketbal...ans the funny part is...jiahong kena a ball on his head,hahax...dunno who throw de,they say its me leh.....after all those arcade thingy,we went to the basar malam opposite the HUB......its hot de lorx XP........
I've Wished For Your Return At 4:51 AM